GloWD exists to integrate design education with its practice and the market. We realign knowledge, methods and design making for fresh design results. We build networks for creative communities who advance knowledge transformation for healthy commerce and universal wellbeing.
We live in the midst of a modern renaissance.
Driven by global challenges requiring immediate new solutions, core changes are needed to facilitate new knowledge and processes, starting with education.

What We Do
Provide a Preeminent Knowledge-Sharing Vehicle

Creatively bridging the gap from:
Learning to Practice
Ideation to Actualization
Manual to Digital
The Established to The Transformed
How We Do It
Connection, Communication & Collaboration
Uniquely combining standard processes, people & topics
Employing latest digital technologies & know-how
Fostering awareness & acceptance to embrace change
Our Community

Globally We Design (GloWD) is a global education-based design leadership initiative. With a focus on human interaction, collaboration and communication, we revitalize and improve connections, processes and the built product.
Comprised of visionary design and expert leadership, GloWD facilitates leading-edge conversations for concrete educational outcomes.
Our results are foundationally applicable across all design sectors and applications.
GloWD's solutions expand the reach, impact and viability of useful creativity into the future. Adopting universal and equitable values, GloWD exists to affect a positive global impact through and by design and its education.
Connection · Communication · Collaboration
to bridge by
research, education and practice for human betterment

GloWD Overview

About Globally We Design – GloWD

About GloWD

Why GloWD is Needed

Hammers & Nails - Edinburgh
Click cover for more videos
our platforms
Design is uniquely positioned to address the major global challenges facing the world today
GloWD's five multi-sector platforms porously interconnect and bridge research, practice and education through the
"3C's" of cooperation, communication and connection
our educational programs
Educators Forum
WYDF Masterclasses
GloWD 2022 GEL-Lab Design Studio

Global Experimental Design Studios
From Concept to Built Work
Co-Design for Community-Built Projects
Internships and Apprenticeships
Scholarly & Applied Research
Fora, Symposia & Seminars
Emerging Professional Designer Recognition
Tailored Masterclasses for Life-Long Learning