In our transforming world, the Design industry is rapidly evolving. GloW-DESIGN (Globally We Design) exists to address all aspects of design. Our mission is to systematically question, envision, develop and realize the best outcomes for the empowerment of next generations. We do this to clarify and shape the design discipline into the future.
GloW-DESIGN is a global thought leadership platform generating and disseminating new design thinking, practice and processes to tackle the ever more pressing and contemporary problems facing humanity at large.
Through international collaboration with powerful visionary thought leaders in design and the creative industries, GloW-DESIGN challenges traditional notions of design's function, helps develop new knowledge and proposes new models of collaborative and compassionate practice that serve society and culture for the benefit of all.
Core Values
Program Diagram
All combine theory and practice, and manifest in the following forms
Symposia, conferences and seminars
Workshops, panel discussions and debates
Craft/Design Expo
Built installations and projects
Universal Design Education Charter
A ratified unanimous document, the purpose of the Universal Design Education Charter (UDEC) is to serve as a global, collective and aspirational framework and filter through which design education and curricula are measured, valued and contextualized.
The Universal Design Education Charter is a direct outcome from GloW-DESIGN's 2018 ReDesignEd Educators Forum in Singapore. In late October 2018 this group of design education and professional leadership, consisting of 36 individuals from 23 countries and six continents, teaching at 22 institutions, convened to discuss and address the responsibility of designers to face the rapidly changing world.
The Charter is comprised of seven articles addressing the areas of culture change, knowledge and skills (education), sustainability, technology, acknowledgement (certification) and responsibility. It affirms a common global aspiration of achievement for all designers.
"The Universal Design Education Charter recognizes that design education is the process by which a person is inducted as a designer and becomes a member of the global design community." - Preamble, Universal Design Education Charter
Read the full Universal Design Education Charter here.
2018 forum >>
Design can revolutionize the world.