news + events
2020 GEL-Lab Design Studio Overview
Completion of Inaugural GloWD Global Experimental Live-Lab (GEL-Lab) Design Studio 2020
October – December 2020
The first Global Experimental Live-Lab (GEL-Lab) Design Studio was successfully completed December 2020. While plans to design an all-inclusive, multi-faceted and digitally administered design studio were already in progress, Covid-19 restrictions made this development imminent and urgent. It emphasized that the future is now and that our sense of a transformative renaissance is taking place today. By rethinking current knowledge, methods and design making, and through unique multinational configurations we were able to explore outcomes for progressive results for multidisciplinary design studios. We are proud that some 75 participants from eight institutions spanning five continents took part in this inaugural multi-national, multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary virtual design studio. Learn more >>
ReDesignEd Educators Forum 2019
20-23 November 2019
Johannesburg, South Africa
Our third annual ReDesignEd Educators Forum was hosted by the University of Johannesburg's Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture in South Africa. Our select global network of design education and professional leadership, along with local emerging educators and professionals, explored the provocation "What We Don't (or Can't) Teach - Bridging the Knowledge Gap", while reviewing ongoing research, adding to the Universal Design Education Charter (UDEC) and developing new applications and research. Learn more >>
2019 Forum Outcome in South Africa Builds and Expands on Universal Design Education Charter (UDEC)
The 2019 Johannesburg Declaration was the direct outcome of GloWD's 2019 Educators Forum. It is an addendum and supplemental document to be used in concert with the Universal Design Education Charter (UDEC), Singapore 2018. This Declaration speaks to the areas of diversity, situational awareness, expectational relationship of the designer and the educator, as well as, evaluation and assessment. More >>